Channel: LAFOLOT » Steve Wilson
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No Recession here! ‘Made My Day!’


I was inspired to write this after seeing the non-stop flow of: COMPLIMENTS and KINDNESS presented to me, yesterday.

I see no recession when it comes to the ability to give a Kindness or Compliment! They are PRICELESS and worth more than all the gold in the world!

While at a business networking mixer, yesterday morning, a gentleman mentioned he had my Helen of LAFOLOT Night at the Piano Bar CD in his car and listens to it frequently! He had won it as a door prize at a previous meeting. I told him: YOU’VE MADE MY DAY!

During the meeting, after we gave our 30 second introduction commercials – I led everyone in a ‘cheer’ to wake them up. This same gentleman gave me a PLUG, suggesting I start off all their meetings with that warm-up! He called me Ms. LAFOLOT! …once again MY DAY WAS MADE!

When I got home to meet some Warranty Repair men for my new Modular Home – they were so EXCELLENT at their jobs, they were very great at explaining everything and answering my questions – I let them know they were WONDERFUL and I COULD TELL they knew and enjoyed their work! When I expressed concern over an issue for which they were not responsible, they were more than willing to check it out for me. Turned out I HAD NO WORRIES – there was no issue. I told the man his KINDNESS was PRICELESS and more VALUABLE to me than he could imagine! I told him: YOU’VE MADE MY DAY!

I later received an e-mail from a new business contact who is honoring my talents by having me speak on Laughter Wellness at her Business Women’s organization. Icing on the cake is that she asked me to SING – in order to promote that part of my business – another KINDNESS!

As if that weren’t enough – she then asked if I’d SING at a photography studio business open house! CAN I TAKE ALL THESE KINDNESSES and COMPLIMENTS!

Then, I received an e-mail from a NEW FAN of my website! He noted he is 26 years old and found my website to be so positive and upbeat, that he has shared it with many of his friends! THE GIFT OF A KINDNESS AND COMPLIMENT! Wow! I e-mailed him and told him: YOU’VE MADE MY DAY!

I have had many ‘young’ souls – highschool and college become fans of my SMILE CAMPAIGN and my book ‘Life is a Song in the Key of Love’ about appreciating life in all its forms of expression. I am truly blessed!

I see NO RECESSION – there is such an ABUNDANCE of COMPLIMENTS and KINDNESS being shared!

At one of my ‘Laughter? Let’s Get Serious!’ talks to a low income community action council two years ago; I mentioned that YOU DON’T NEED MONEY TO GIVE A GIFT! I talked about a book I read: ‘Good Hearted Living’ by Steve Wilson It talks about giving the gifts of: Compliments, Kindness, Gratitude, Flexibility and Forgiveness. None of these cost money and they can be given in bushel baskets!

I see no recession. I am wealthy beyond my dreams with all these gifts.

Check your HEART POCKETS, I’m sure you’ll find some there!

THANK YOU for reading my blog and believing in my passion.

Highlighted Ha Ha Helen Szollosy of LAFOLOT
Living Life in A-MAZE-MENT!
Live Life! Laugh Often!
[this blog can also be seen at VIBRANT NATION by: Helenoflafolot]

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